Friday, January 15, 2010

The Power of Passion.

I am sharing an small article, I read on DB some days back. And it nicely explains the power of passion, it explains what it meant on working on something that you like.

Before continue reading below, I would first like you to view this 5 Minutes Youtube Video, made by unknown filmmaker Fede Alvarez from Uruguay for mere 300 Dollars.

This video grossed 5 Million Views in less than 2 Months of publishing. He says it took him 1 Year to complete that video with those amazing special effects, sounds and everything. He worked passionately day and night and launched the Video on Youtube. The end result was unbelievable, as even can you believe, it brought him a $30 Million deal with Sam Raimi, the producer of Spiderman flick. Raimi said I have seen your 300 Dollars work, lets see What you do with 30 Million Dollars.

Isn't this Incredible !!!

He did what he loved. This is the power of passionate work. He worked on something that he liked and put his whole passion on the 5 Minutes low budget Movie. That bought him something he deserved. So, It would be wonderful, if you too do something that you really love. As you can't even believe that little passion of yours for anything can take you from nobody to somebody. :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

How I learned from My Xperience with

I am going to share one of my personal Xperience with 1 year ago, I have been working day and night passionately on the project of, A Website for Sharing Knowledge & Earn Money. Start was good and well. And I developed the project in 1 Month. The project was impressive and I tried most of the things, I can.( From development of website to sticking those ThinkArticle Advertising posters in MANIT, It was the most interesting thing, we did. :) ).

Initially Website Ranking reached around 5 Lakhs. Now, there was one other site, which launched that same time around of launching of, and it was funnier that the Bukisa had the same title as ours. "Share Knowledge, Earn Money" and almost same ranking around 5 Lakhs. Although I lost race with them, Currently their ranked climbed to around 5000 (which roughly means income of 2-4 Lakh per month for them, which also meant that my idea was great. :) ) and ThinkArticle ranks around 1.5 Lakhs (with almost no income :) ). Well, I don't feel bad about it, because there is a lot of things I learned from that stuff. Especially how the Web Business grows. And I figured what we did wrong and why can't we create a Buzz over the Internet and lagged at ranks.

The key factors, I found that worked for Bukisa:

1. USER INTERFACE: Bukisa had a very neat User Interface and that time I was wondering how they designed it. Somedays back I happened to met a person Ritendra Srivastava from Yahoo at Neepan Tech and he explained me that they were using jQuery (Advance Javascript) & AJAX together. (Thanks for the tip). I almost learned the jQuery as its selectors were almost similar to CSS (which I already know). And also getting my hands dirty in AJAX. So very soon this factor would be eliminated.

2. TEAM: Bukisa had small team of 4 people. So they were spending 4 times than me. They put their one man for regular updation of content on the website. Another for Social Media Marketing on FaceBook, Twitter and Digg etc. (Earlier, I could not get the people interested in Web field. Although, now at Neepan Tech I get lot of people who have the same passion of Web Development) So this factor now had been sorted out.

There are several other issues (about 10) which I figured out, that made reaching the website ranking of 5000 with such large revenues.

Well now I shifted my focus to Building and Growing more Passionately (It keeps me awake at Night :) ) . As I found the ShareSWF idea more attractive, interesting and never done before type.

Yesterday, I drawn the new layout on paper for ShareSWF and would now be working on that. :) I am pretty confident that ShareSWF can reach that same rankings and generate good revenues. [ If you feel interested and is passionate over working on Web, You can contact me on Mobile Number given on the Right Sidebar.]